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I cant think of a better way to contrast the beauty of these lovely ladies than by photographing them next to a bunch of dumpsters.




I would like to take a minute to personally thank Dolly for showing up to the Peer Pressure Block Party and spending the whole day posing for pictures with all our friends.

Summer is finally here, let the summer stylez begin!





Marilis, Dane, and I spotted this little angel man with matching shoe, sock and tie combo at the Worn Fashion Journal‘s Art and Sole auction at the Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto where the shoes that our very own Dane made were actioned off for charity .  Marilis will be posting more photos whenever she finds some free internet, but check out more info from the night here


this official addidas superhero was at the Panthere Noire last friday saving someone from drunk dialing their ex.  Then she flew away with her Jeremy Scott wings.


Their ice cream cones are clearly the new must have summer fashion accessory.  They come at the small price of one dress size larger by next summer.





i saw her sitting in front of the bank begging for somebody to make her a missed connection on craigslist.


this is maddie.  in this picture she looks like a very high end homeless person/bag woman rummaging though some colourful trash.


They ate their spinach and now they are strong like popeye.  You can be strong too if you drink all of your Mojito like me.


This is Nolan, he is extra cute in this picture.  He matched his outfit to the balloons.


the first thing i thought when i looked at this picture is “woah, that is so weird, Shawn looks just like the prince symbol.



these are the Steve Aoki zombies, they want flesh:  if anybody has proof that Steve Aoki’s headphones were plugged in I will give them a reward.


These are some pictures from Ourspace or its legit name: Studio Gallery in Toronto.   This past Sunday they held the first Vintage Clothing Sale of ’09 and since it was such a success there’s gonna be another one probably in May and everybody has to come and buy all my clothes so I can make $$$.


This is Leah.  When her pet cat Fritz was a bad kitty, she skinned it and poured salt on the fur and when it dried out she sewed it into a hat.  Here it is.


This is Vanessa.  She looks like a combination of a flight attendant and a pin up girl.  If I was a 14 year old chronic masterbator I know what I would do with this picture.

It is true.  At Randomland you truly do find the most weirdest assortment of Friday night folk.  Circa is like a melting pot of Toronto’s best and worst parts.


Siena obviously is the biggest weirdo.


This girl looks like a version of Cruella Deville


These lovely ladies are clearly a 10/10.  Firstly because they match.  Whatever happened to matching couples anyways?  and Secondly because of their crinolin tutu’s and sexy fishnets.


club appropriation of this: backpack

or a modified version of this: dog-in-backpack


i love this picture.  dane is a blob, and there is a wonderful fuzzy little red lady walking on the opposite platform.  reminds me of that very cold salvation army trip where i got an oil lamp with a genie in it who gave me three wishes.



click to see full size





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For All the pictures from Friday night click on the banner below:



After we played 7 minutes in heaven, Jason let me take a picture of him and all his lovely layers of black.


This looks like a high fashion version of those swamp creeping photos that Dane, Chelsi and I took in the park that day.


More photos of Dane’s creations HERE


this is what it looks like when Transformers have to go pee.


Angelo gives 10¢ moustache rides







three little fishies re-united by accident


Right before this picture was taken I was at a convenience store across the street buying a chocolate-vanilla Chupa Chup when an unruly bunch of high school kiddies walked in and each bought a dozen eggs because they were mad that they were underage and their fake i.d.’s didnt work…  I wish I was that resourceful when i was 16.  but now here I am at 21, partying at places with 16 year olds.  I am so cool.  Hey! at least I can go to vegas and play the slots.


Girl on invisible cross


I heard that some twins can like read each other’s minds and stuff.  I think that is what they are doing in this picture.

it should be okay to dress up like it’s Halloween everyday.






she is wonderful.  she is like a cross between Madonna and Anna Nicole Smith (RIP) plus or minus a big giant butterfly tattoo.

**BONUS**  xxxtra fancy silk drop crotch Fendi PJ’s with pet ferret accessory.

This is me and Cary.

Cary was proud of me for wearing heels in the daytime.   And I was proud of Cary for not wearing heels in the daytime.

This is Dane’s special fall cape.  He is also wearing a special green velvet short sleeve turtleneck under there.  All this is topped with a special little twirl of hair on his head and a confused look on his face.

These are from I Love Neon’s Boys Noize and A-Trak at the Telus Theatre.

Here are some photoz from Thursday’s Pop Montreal fashion show competition.  We (Marilis and I and all of The Plateau) are very proud that Dane won the award for best emerging designer working in Montreal today as well as a big fat check for his Dane Gerus spring/summer collection.

And these are some of the street stylez from the line outside:

This is Cary.  He embodies your typical lumberjack / tranny hybrid look. I guess it would be called Tranny-Jack, or maybe Lumber-tranny.   This is characterized by a fur vest accompanied by a plaid flannel shirt, paired with PVC tights and YSL willy wonka boots.

This time of year is the best in Montreal.  It just starts getting cold, which means that you can wear all your best clothes on the outside.  Not cold enough for a winter jacket, but just cold enough to layer up all your favorite sweaters, and coats and scarves in one really good outfit.

For a lesson in male grooming please contact Jay.  His hair is literally so perfectly coiffed that if you dropped a tennis ball on it it would probably bounce off.

i’m not putting this picture up because any of these people have the best street style ever, its up here because I like it.  Isn’t it nice to see three completely opposite people bonding over their inebriated state and each repping their own very personal brand?  I think so.   It makes me feel happy to see that the bell-bottom wearing, polyester shirted, Bueno Notte goer; the Mohawk headed punk, and the made-to-measure suit wearing prepster can all be friends!  Kind of like a Beneton ad of the Montreal streets.

BONUS:  an excellent pair of torn jeans on a hot girl on a hot motorcycle

this is Leah, these are her jeans, and this is not her motorcycle.  This picture was taken a while ago, after the Time Festival in Toronto.  The picture is a little blurry, thanks to that waterbottle of Vodka that my brother and I shared as we walked into the party, but at least we can see those jeans.

in the future all Montreal’s criminally insane will be led around in straight jackets by their blood-splattered clown masters.

in the future we will all wear watches on our ankles so that our kitty cats can read the time

in the future we will match our hair to our leggings always.

in the future Montreal’s fashion police will look like this while they re-write the laws on fashion crime.

in the future we will all faintly resemble cupcake dolls.

in the future we will all have scowls on our faces while we wear watercolours for fall.

in the future we will all talk on phones that come from the center of our bodies.