You are currently browsing the monthly archive for July 2008.

Every year, as part of the Pop Montreal festival, Puces Pop holds a fashion show sponsored by Le Chateau. 6 emerging Quebec designers present a mini-collection of 6 looks to a panel of judges from the industry and the winner receives a 2000$ prize. Interested in being a part of this years’ show? We’re looking for some emerging Quebec designers with no more then 2 collections (or none) to their name. Email any questions and examples of your work to marilis.cardinal [AT] gmail [DOT] com before July 31rst. This year’s show will take place on October 2nd.

And don’t forget the deadline for applications to this year’s Puces Pop is around the corner, apply now!

Here’s a few summer highlights so far, click on the banner above for more..

I know I’m really late on this post, but I was waiting until I had a program on my computer so I could put the text at the bottom of the photo to make it look all professional and stuff, but since I got robbed and had to get a new laptop I don’t have Photoshop yet so my blogging life in sort of in shambles. These pictures are from the pride parade in Toronto a couple weeks ago.  I was supposed to be on the House of Lords float in the parade with all my friends but I got lost and missed it.  Too bad.

Both Cary and I (by some freak accident of nature-seriously) happened to be wearing rompers to the parade.  This photo is a prime example of romper fashion at its finest.  Basically romper fashion means that everything your wearing is attached together, and made of the same fabric.  Romper’s are made for romping.  The dictionary says: Romper – a person or thing that romps.

Rompers used to be made in adult sizes (because they’re really comfortable, and for phys-ed class when our parents were kids) but now unfortunately, they’re mostly only made for babies.

Some more good examples of rompers I wish I owned:

even the evil corporation American Apparel makes a romper, but I’m a brat and I don’t like it based on principle, sorry AA lovers, but I’m not a fan of cookie cutter fashion.

and down here we have Dawn Lam also knows as Don Ram.  Her outfit in this photo has a lot of influence of Cassandra from Wayne’s World:

So after I payed my rent, I still had a lot of discarded posessions to sell so we set up a lovely little vintage store on the corner of Prince Arthur and Hotel de Ville until some not-so-welcome guests shut us down:

But before that happened, here’s 2 cuties who came to visit and buy out 1/4 of our merchandise.

And the cute little boy behing F-Bots.

Stay tuned for a new album of summer parties and photos from my first yard sale!


Audrey Cantwell is a name you’ll be hearing around the grapevines in a few years, after she’ll have completed her schooling at the world’s most frustrating building of education: Lasalle College. This little princess has a cute little songbird voice and looks really pretty in little blue dresses on fancy rooftop terrases:

Jessica Warren reports on Montreal summer fashion, with photos by Alison of Pregnant Goldfish

“The thing about Montreal is that as soon as the sun comes out, everyone comes out of hiding, especially the Montreal boys.  Instead of over-sized parkas and bad shoes everywhere you look; deep cut tanks, denim shorts, and dirty summer sneakers arrive on the scene, leaving me drooling over the street style of the local summer boys.”    -Jessica Warren

Part One ————- Part Two

Part Three ———— Part Four