You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2009.


Saint John witches


Meet Elin, Sweden’s fiiiiiiiiiiinest. She can be taken into account for some of the most ridiculous and hilarious mid-party moments and thankfully, she’s going to be crashing on my bedroom floor sometime in March to do it all over again. Be it leaving an outdoor afternoon rave to go to the Planetarium (with a bottle of champagne in hand and glitter all over our faces) and then going for Won Ton soup or leaving a bar to find an Internet cafĂ© so we can look up the address of the Kabalah center in Berlin in order to stalk Madonna upon her arrival for her show the next day, classic moments are always being created in her presence.


This beautiful rosey cheeked babe and I met on a rooftop in Berlin, then at a Pete Doherty themed party in a lovely appartment perched at the top of 6 flights of stairs and finally happened to be on the same plane to Paris. This happened to be a godsend encounter because we got to hold each other as the plane was taxying away from Deutshland. Little Ms. Cynthia was pulling a Sex And The City move and moving to Paris but I was just moving right back to my igloo out here in Montreal. A sweet little travel tip curtousy of this Australian sweetheart, DEEP POCKETS! Granted you’ll have to take it all out at the metal detectors, but you’ll get to carry far more then you cute carry-on purse will allow.


summer chronicles

Happy New Year and pardon our lack of blog post. If you’re from here, you must be well aware that it is currently too cold for anyone to wonder out of their igloos, so we stay in, roasting seal while our elders tell us ancient legends of the land of snow. To tide you over, here’s a series of polaroids I took this summer in Montreal and Berlin and as soon as we can, we’ll put on our best polar bear suits and sacrifice our toes to frost bite in order walk through the mile high snow piles to capture the best winter looks.