You are currently browsing the monthly archive for October 2007.

The photos from Voyeur Halloween are up !


Click on the Banner below for THE REST OF THE PHOTOS:


Here are a selection of some of our favourite Halloween street styles, from Marilis’s pre-voyeur party, I Love Neon: Voyeur, and the afterparty hosted by John Lee and DL at the Van Horne loft.


Recreating Lohan’s scandal photos.


Simon is yelling “Ricola” in the mountains, with clouds over him.


This can qualify as any-day streetstyle, but Andrew was dressed up like a rock. Holywow!



Earlier in the week, Stephanie told me that she was dressing up like a bear and that she was going to draw all over her body, which she did. You would think that this is the only photo that you will ever of Karl Lagerfeild with a bear, but you’re mistaken. Just wait for the party photos.



While wearing a bubble dress to a Halloween party might have seemed like a good idea, (so good in fact, that someone else did it, what are the odds?) but in the natural order of things, no one can resist asking “Can I please pop one of the balloons?”. Pair that to the hundreds of people present, and at the end of the night, you’re just wearing a plastic bag. Poor Laura…



Martha made sure I was well protected all night. No jokes, she really did.




Kill Bill was a popular theme, check out the photo just below also.




SOOOOOOOOO last weekend was Justice, which was an entire event in itself. I (Alison) went, and had a near death experience when I overheated in my leather pants and almost died trying to take them off. So, the result is that I didnt take any pictures the entiiiiiiiiiire night, and unfortunately the lovely Marilis and wonderfule DaneGerus were too broke/uninterested to go. So we should celebrate this by going and looking at the all the photos from the Justice show and the wicked Peer Pressure afterparty, that Marie Jane took!!!!



Also, Marilis has some new ones too,


Well, kind of. We’re working on collaborations with a number of great, talented and open-minded people, one of them with a local spit-fire you all know and love, but we’re keeping that on the down-low until the details are worked out.


For now, however, next time you’re in Korea, make sure you pick up a copy of “Cracker your Wardrobe”, we’re you can enjoy a monthly contribution, curtosy of Shut Up You Twit! We’ve yet to see it, but a few copies should be in the mail soon enough, and depending on how many we receive, you may or may not get a chance to get a copy. Chances are you won’t, you know, but we like to keep you hopeful and then crush your dreams. If your Korean is not too rusty, check out their website, HERE!

 Also, Australian website 2threads is launching a few international locations, New York and Sweden are part of the mix, and 2threads is going to rock Canada, care of Street Clash‘s Darryl. Not only can you build your own album, but you can now check out some Pregnant Goldfish action in both the featured threads for Street Style, and in the event photos in the galleries. Our profile still needs tweaking, but until we get to that, you can still check it out here. You can also create your own profile and start rocking the world wide web, with one more way for people to stalk you. We recommend it, it’s healthy.


The contrast of the briefcase in the highschool gymnasius is cute, in fact, everything about this young lady is adorable.


Here’s another from the Nothman house. No one knows for sure if the key she’s wearing is for practicality or as an accessory, but we suspect after this photo hits the intraweb, teenage girls will walk around with a key around their neck. Wait for it……..

Isn’t she cute?


Say hello to one of the members of the electro pop band Todosantos that played in the window of Preloved during Pop Montreal. These guys were seriously hot. Check out their myspace for proof and for photos, you can go here.

More from Pop Montreal:


This is Braeden from the previously mentioned band The Paper Cranes. Throughout his stay, I got to witness his sweet style, ranging from stripes to broken apart shoes that my roommate rescued from the garbage and now wears. Braeden managed to survive the dreadfully long and scary ride to Rockland center, my uncomfortable camp bed and slanted floors, he’s obviously a trouper.

I have a bunch more photos from Pop Montreal, but I forgot my USB key with them on it, so here’s some other random photos I’d been meaning to post these photos for a while but kept forgetting. They were taken on a walk home in the early morning after and after-party following a Nu Ravers Party some time this summer. Erica, Dane and I were walking on Prince Arthur and found that someone had put some soap in the waterfountain. This had been a dream of mine for the longest time and it was amazing! We ran around in the fountain, ignoring the rabies and the aids we could have caught, but man, that was amazing.





M for Montreal photos coming soon on


I don’t think this girl realises that her male counterpart is standing right next to her.  Look at his shoes! So nice! And the plaid shirt matches hers? Match made in heaven. Sadly, they’ll never meet and this post will be pointless. We hope you find love though.


This is probably one of my favorite streetstyle photos ever. To be fair though, she’s not exactly from these streets, but I mean, it’s Pop Montreal, the ratio of actual Montrealers is pretty slim. I was sitting at the front of Barfly, watching the band The Bicycles, when all of a sudden I had an urge to be sick. I’ll blame it on shots of cough syrup (thanks to my bronchitis), too much free beer and the fact that the capacity of about 35 of Barfly was now holding about 100  or so people and it was incredibly hot. So I ran out to get some air and met this young lady who obviously has a flawless and incredibly sharp sense of style. She’s from the Brooklyn band Chairlift who are signed on the same indie label as Grizzly Bear and Professor Murder, so check them out and watch out for them. I still don’t have internet and there are no speakers here so I can’t say anything too concrete, but judging from their pictures, they look sweet sweet sweet!


The guy in the background is better prepared for the photo apparently, so we’ll just make the post about him. Notice his multitasking and balancing skills. The guy who’s picture I had originally intended to take had a gorgeous face, but that’s what you get for shoving a glass of (free) beer in your face, buddy!


After a little shopping trip, we went to a party at the Nothman house. These two here have got the right idea. The dress just hits just at the right spot and both of these guys have such a great style, I felt obligated to interrupt their conversation and run after them for a picture.

The next series of photos are photos I took during the much loved Pop Montreal festival that I was covering for Indyish. You can read all about it here, just look for the posts starting with “Pop”.


This is Miranda. She’s from the freaking awesome Victoria band The Paper Cranes. I met Miranda at Fringe Festival two years ago when her band played Fringe Pop and they were supposed to stay at my place. A few months later, they played Pop Montreal (in 2006) and managed to make it all the way from the south shore and her band and herself shared the guest bedroom and the floors of my kitchen and living room. This year, they played not one, but two wicked shows and you can check out the photos here:

1490533495_5c0c8e5631_b.jpg1508955486_c389e2957e_b.jpg1491412852_9b556e090f_b.jpg more here.

Miranda and I share a love for fried coconut and dresses that combine jersey and elastic hems. There will also be another photo of her in the near future because she has a killer style and is one of my favorite people ever. Oh yeah, and check out her tattoo of my favorite Klimt painting:

paper cranes (10)



I was cleaning up at Preloved when these young ladies parked their van outside and tried to figure out the price of the meter outside. I asked to take their pictures and we talked a bit and turns out that they were doing a show that night, at Sala Rossa and that they are called the Watson Twins, a name that I recognized from the Jenny Lewis’ solo album which was not all that solo I guess. The ladies gave me a CD and they remind me a bit of a guitar-version of the ladies of Au Revoir Simone who’s photo I had taken last time when they also played sala rossa. Check ’em out here.


To be fair, this young lady is not actually from Montreal, but she was enjoying a calm stroll on St-Laurent before I interupted her peace and quiet and shoved a camera in her face. She is from England and super cute! I kind of want to take up ballet and host tea parties and paint my appartment pink.


When this young gentleman offered to give me 20$ for my frames (the ones he’s wearing on here), I refused. Now my bank account is practically in the negative and I can’t even afford cough syrup. But at least I’m wearing my frames, right?


Jay said it best: “No one can rock the picnic scarf like you can, Saad.” and he’s quite right. That night, Saad and I actually made it past the “like” stage and into the “love” stage. Some people say it’s too soon, but I don’t like these people.  Also, if you look carefully, Saad has two sets of legs. Check out some photos we did the week before around 4AM, with Corey and Jay, coming back from Blizzarts:



They’re almost as hot as this. Almost!


This was taken at the last Nu Ravers, proof I’ve been slackin’. Harrison and Audrey the mix and match creator’s wet dream.

New photos are on the way!  promise.

here are some from Aoki to tide you over.
