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“What country do you come from?” Tearyafaceoffrika circa 1996


After we played 7 minutes in heaven, Jason let me take a picture of him and all his lovely layers of black.


This looks like a high fashion version of those swamp creeping photos that Dane, Chelsi and I took in the park that day.


More photos of Dane’s creations HERE

she is wonderful.  she is like a cross between Madonna and Anna Nicole Smith (RIP) plus or minus a big giant butterfly tattoo.

**BONUS**  xxxtra fancy silk drop crotch Fendi PJ’s with pet ferret accessory.

Here are some photoz from Thursday’s Pop Montreal fashion show competition.  We (Marilis and I and all of The Plateau) are very proud that Dane won the award for best emerging designer working in Montreal today as well as a big fat check for his Dane Gerus spring/summer collection.

And these are some of the street stylez from the line outside:

This is Cary.  He embodies your typical lumberjack / tranny hybrid look. I guess it would be called Tranny-Jack, or maybe Lumber-tranny.   This is characterized by a fur vest accompanied by a plaid flannel shirt, paired with PVC tights and YSL willy wonka boots.

This time of year is the best in Montreal.  It just starts getting cold, which means that you can wear all your best clothes on the outside.  Not cold enough for a winter jacket, but just cold enough to layer up all your favorite sweaters, and coats and scarves in one really good outfit.

For a lesson in male grooming please contact Jay.  His hair is literally so perfectly coiffed that if you dropped a tennis ball on it it would probably bounce off.