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Want those tights? Buy them here.



My new blog where soon you will be able to purchase ALL of your wildest dreams!

Summer is finally here, let the summer stylez begin!





this is maddie.  in this picture she looks like a very high end homeless person/bag woman rummaging though some colourful trash.


They ate their spinach and now they are strong like popeye.  You can be strong too if you drink all of your Mojito like me.

Welcome to our hang over yard sale. After a wild nite of confetti consumptions, i woke up from an ant crawling on my leg, i lookd out side my window and seen Nicola passing by my house with a big rack of beautiful goods and a bundle of cupcakes, i ran out side of my house and gathered my things and we set up on Prince Arthur and Hotel-de-ville. Alison opens her window and yells “I barfed 4 minutes ago but I’ll be down with my stuff.”

She ran down the stairs, ran back up to get more, ran back down and locked her self out. Lovely start to a yardsale i thought in my mind. I looked down at hat i was wearing and relized i left my house in the same thing i wore last night with pink and blue stains all over it. I ran home and got dressed into something more yardsaley.

This is Dane now and below is a computer generated image of himself at 50 years of age. I think he’ll have a star of david tattoo on his forehead and probably will have purple hair.

Really this is Shane, Dane’s long lost brother. He enjoys smoking weed, yelling at people, confusing people, tumbling, acrobatics and necklace shopping.

This is out Noweigaailinn friend Lealaska she dont speak much english, but hey neither do we. We all ended up doing a little trading and a little shopping of each other’s stuff. We may see her walking down in my old favorite snake skin pants and a very nice leather Lacoste belt that got paint all over it.

Batrinka is our new friend she takes in her own jeans and enjoyed a leisurely walk through St. Louis Square with Leah and I to go and get LaFleur cheeseburger’s and diet cokes for breakfast.

this little cutie pretty much represents a cross section of all male montrealers between the ages of 19-26 who populate the PLateau-Mile End Zones of Montreal.

this is another breed of male Montrealer, here we see a fine specimen of cool sneakers, and designer sweatshirt coupled with the scruffy hat and beard forming the typical A+ combo.

here we have two of the american apparel, ray ban wayfarer bicycle riding young nerd-jock indie first year at university and discovering tight pants type. bless their souls.

this is Nicola. she spearheaded this yardsale operation. we owe it to her motivation and upbeat character for dragging 3 very hung over/possibly still drunk people of out bed. Nicola spent most of her day undercharging people for her clothes and belongings, but still managed to make the most money out of all of us.

and a perfect little cute simple summer outfit to end the day.